SEO 2010
SEO Predictions for 2010 – How Much Will Change for You?
Don't you hate it when you spend a lot of money on how to guides, memberships and tools helping you with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts, only to find out everything's changing for the coming year?
It happens to everyone and some marketers can roll with the changes with ease, while others struggle to keep up. If you look to the future, it can help you predict how things might change so you can head off the SEO lag time most marketers will experience and stay one step ahead of the competition.
The biggest change you're going to notice is that things are evolving into real time. Keywords, indexing – it's going to be updated quicker than in the past, so you won't be able to rest on your laurels enjoying a top spot in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) and likewise, you'll have ample opportunity to move up in the ranks if you pay attention closely.
In 2010, you're going to see Google working on ways to combine real time results (which basically means the last one to mention something, if it's indexed, will be shown) with relevancy, which was Google's biggest beef with websites that were using keywords to trick searchers in the first place!
Real time search doesn't replace regular SEO page results, though. It's integrated into the SERPs so that you have the option of choosing the latest results or the pages. So you'll be able to capitalize on both options as a marketer.
All of the regular SEO tactics will stay the same. You’ll want to post frequently on your website or blog. You’ll want to use relevant keyword phrases without stuffing them into it so that it reads awkwardly.
Backlinks from the right kind of relevant sites will be to your benefit, while so-called bad neighborhoods will still damage your reputation with Google. It's expected that businesses – both online and offline – will be increasing their spending to SEO experts and investing in SEO tools to help them either boost or maintain their position in the search engines.
You can be a self-taught SEO expert just by educating yourself about what tactics are allowed (and which are frowned upon) and tracking and tweaking your methods so get the best traffic results.
Search Engine Optimization
- Consistency Is Key for Web Marketing Success
- How to Get Your Site a Top Ranking in Google
- SEO For Small Businesses
- Top Methods to Improve Your Blog Rank
- Secrets to a Successful Website and SEO